Not at all. The P&K are in both immediately available and sustained forms, providing nutrient throughout the growing season.
Extensive trials have shown that Fibrophos is a very effective source of phosphate across a wide range of agricultural soil types throughout the UK. The phosphate in Fibrophos is more than 80% soluble in 2% citric acid and nearly half is soluble in neutral ammonium citrate providing a long lasting as well as immediate supply to the growing crop. Trials showed that application of Fibrophos to both acid and alkaline grassland or arable crops significantly increased available soil phosphate within one month and this increase was maintained for at least 12 months. Citric soluble phosphate helps build up soil fertility over time.
The potash in Fibrophos is less soluble than inorganic fertilisers (50% water soluble), the uptake of potash is less rapid, avoiding luxury uptake that can cause staggers. ADAS trials carried out by ETSU for the DTI confirmed that the potash is very quickly available and is as effective as MOP. Any potash remaining will become available to the plants in the longer term, making Fibrophos a very effective fertiliser for grass and arable situations. Because the potash is available in line with crop growth demands, plants become healthier and stronger.
Since these early trials well over 1 million tonnes of Fibrophos has been sold nationwide for both cereal and grassland applications.
Many of the sales made today are to farmers who have used Fibrophos across their farms for over 20 years – thus endorsing the work carried out by ADAS.
See the Fibrophos handbook for all the features and benefits of Fibrophos PK Fertiliser.