Sulphur in fibrophos

fibrophos is not just a PK fertiliser. fibrophos fertilisers contain a wide range of secondary nutrients and important trace elements in significant quantities. Furthermore, chemical analysis has shown that those released are in forms available to plants.

fibrophos contains good levels of Sulphur – typically 7% S03. With Sulphur deficiencies now widespread, fibrophos is able to significantly reduce the risk of deficiency – improving both yield and quality in many cases. Regular applications of fibrophos will supply most of the Sulphur required for most situations. Oilseed rape and brassica crops respond particularly well to high levels of Sulphur in fibrophos.

There are several fertilisers which claim to have additional elements included with them but this does not always mean that they are available to the crop. Chemical analysis of fibrophos has indicated that many of the secondary and trace elements known to be present are in forms available to crops. Results of trials conducted for Magnesium and Sodium in fibrophos are on pages 8 and 9. Findings for Sulphur are confirmed here:

fibrophos as a source of Sulphur

Objective And Method
Levington Agriculture Ltd1995LA Project 627
fibrophos was assessed as a source of Sulphur in comparison to ammonium sulphate, Calcium sulphate, and Tiger 90' (elemental Sulphur bentonite).

Leaching was assessed in a bare soil over winter and was subsequently planted with ryegrass to measure uptake of residual Sulphur.

Two replicated trials on two light textured soils of relatively low Sulphur status. Soils were brought to field capacity and leached by fortnightly applications of demineralised water over winter.


In both trials the available Sulphur was leached from ammonium sulphate, Calcium sulphate and fibrophos. Tiger 90 was identified neither in leachates nor in soils analysed.


The Sulphur in fibrophos is as readily available as that in Ammonium Sulphate or Calcium Sulphate.